The Corporation of the
Town of Milton
Committee of Adjustment and Consent

Council Chambers - In Person

The Town of Milton is resuming the Committee of Adjustment and Consent (COA) meetings in person as of January 26, 2023.  Applicants and interested parties can participate in person at Town Hall, Council Chambers, 150 Mary Street. 

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the minutes from the Committee of Adjustment Hearing held on June 27, 2024 be APPROVED

The landowner is requesting minor variances and an expansion of a legal non-conforming condition to facilitate a residential addition and porch, along with a conversion of a detached garage to a shed. The proposed addition includes a family room, washroom and pantry

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Minor Variance Application A24-026/M BE:

    APPROVED with Condition(s):

    1. That the development shall be located and constructed generally in accordance with the site plan and building elevations, prepared by Alana + Kelly Design Co., date stamped by Town Zoning on June 17, 2024;
    2. That a Building Permit be obtained within two (2) years from the date of the decision; and,
    3. That the approval be subject to an expiry of two (2) years from the date of decision if the conditions are not met, if the proposed development does not proceed and/or a Building Permit is not secured.

The applicant is requesting relief from the Rural Zoning By-law 144-2003, as amended, to allow two (2) residential dwellings on one lot on a temporary basis. Additionally, in order to accommodate the proposed three-car garage with an upper loft area, the applicant is requesting an increased gross floor area of 222 square metres and a height of 7.3 metres.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Minor Variance Application A24-027/M BE:

    APPROVED with Condition(s):

    1. That a Building Permit be applied for and received prior to construction of the new single detached dwelling and a demolition permit be received for the existing detached dwelling prior to demolition.
    2. That prior to Building Permit issuance for the new single-detached dwelling, the applicant must provide a Letter of Undertaking to the Town of Milton agreeing to:
    1. Provide a performance guarantee in the amount of $10,000 to ensure the demolition of the existing single detached dwelling upon completion of the new dwelling.
    2. Obtain a Demolition Permit for the demolition of the existing dwelling prior to occupancy being granted for the new single detached dwelling.
    3. Complete all works associated with the demolition of the existing detached dwelling within 90 days of occupancy being granted for the new single detached dwelling.
    1. That prior to Building Permit issuance, the applicant provide a detailed Grading Plan, to the satisfaction of Development Engineering.
    2. That the approval be subject to an expiry of three (3) years from the date of decision in which time occupancy for the new single detached dwelling must be received.

The applicant is proposing to construct a covered porch at the front of the house. The Zoning By-law requires that a maximum of 30% lot coverage is permitted on lots with a lot area less than 660 square metres. The applicant is seeking relief to the Zoning By-law to permit a maximum lot coverage of 31%.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Minor Variance Application A24-028/M BE:

    APPROVED with Condition(s):

    1. That the development shall be located and constructed in accordance with the site plan and building elevations, prepared by Alana + Kelly Design Co. date stamped by Town Zoning on June 18th, 2024.
    2. That a building permit application be obtained within two (2) years from the date of this decision;
    3. That the approval be subject to an expiry of two (2) years from the date of decision if the conditions are not met, if the proposed development does not proceed and/or a building permit is not secured.

Minor Variances are being requested in order to construct a detached dwelling with an attached garage. The applicant is requesting an increased lot coverage of 35.6% and maximum height of 9.42 metres. 

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Minor Variance Application A24-029/M BE:

    APPROVED with Condition(s):

    1. That a Stormwater Management Brief be provided, to the satisfaction of Development Engineering, prior to Building Permit issuance.
    2. That a Building Permit be obtained within two (2) years from the date of this decision; and,
    3. That the approval be subject to an expiry of two (2) years from the date of decision if the conditions are not met, if the proposed development does not proceed and/or a Building Permit is not secured.

The applicant is requesting relief from the Town’s Zoning By-law to allow two residential dwellings on one lot on a temporary basis. The proposed minor variance is being requested to allow for the family to reside on the subject property while the proposed single-detached dwelling is being constructed.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Minor Variance Application A24-033/M BE:

    APPROVED with Condition(s):

    1. That a Building Permit be applied for and received prior to construction of the new single detached dwelling and a demolition permit be received for the existing detached dwelling prior to demolition.
    2. That prior to Building Permit issuance for the new single-detached dwelling, the applicant must provide a Letter of Undertaking to the Town of Milton agreeing to:
    1. Provide a performance guarantee in the amount of $10,000 to ensure the demolition of the existing single detached dwelling upon completion of the new dwelling.
    2. Obtain a Demolition Permit for the demolition of the existing dwelling prior to occupancy being granted for the new single detached dwelling.
    3. Complete all works associated with the demolition of the existing detached dwelling within 90 days of occupancy being granted for the new single detached dwelling.
    1. That the approval be subject to an expiry of two (2) years from the date of decision in which time occupancy for the new single detached dwelling must be received. .
    2. That a detailed Grading Plan be provided, to the satisfaction of Development Engineering, prior to Building Permit issuance
    3. That an entrance permit be acquired prior to construction.

The applicants are seeking minor variances and an expansion of a legal non-conforming use to facilitate: a proposed addition to Building ‘B’ being Canadian Tire, a proposed restaurant identified as Building ‘O’, and a proposed multi-unit retail building identified as Building ‘N’.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT Minor Variance Application A22-023/M, A24-031/M, and A24-031/M BE: