The Corporation of the
Town of Milton
Committee of Adjustment and Consent

Council Chambers - In Person

The Town of Milton is resuming the Committee of Adjustment and Consent (COA) meetings in person as of January 26, 2023.  Applicants and interested parties can participate in person at Town Hall, Council Chambers, 150 Mary Street. 

A Minor Variance is being requested to install an elevator lift within the existing double car garage which would obstruct one of two spaces being provided internally. There is no physical changes proposed to the exterior of the dwelling nor the driveway itself. 

A Minor Variance is being requested to demolish the existing single detached dwelling and construct a new single detached dwelling with an attached Additional Residential Unit (ARU). The existing driveway accessing Parkway Drive East is proposed to be decommissioned and relocated to provide access to Halton Avenue.

The Applicant is proposing to convert the existing residential basement to an Additional Residential Unit (ARU) with a below-grade access proposed in the rear yard. The Applicant is seeking relief from the Zoning By-law as it relates to the permitted encroachments into the required unobstructed pedestrian access

Application will be considered at a future meeting.

A Minor Variance is being requested to construct a detached garage that will be used for personal storage. To facilitate the proposal, the Applicant is seeking relief from the Zoning By-law to accommodate an increase in gross floor area.  

Thursday, February 27, 2025 commencing at 6:00 p.m.