The Corporation of the

Town of Milton

Committee of Adjustment Minutes

Council Chambers - In Person
Members Present:
  • Chair Kluge, 
  • Tyler Slaght, 
  • Tharushe Jayaveer, 
  • and Salman Ellahi 
Members Absent:
  • Christopher Trombino 
  • and Rachel Suffern 
Staff Present:
  • Natalie Stopar 
  • and Taylor Wellings  

The Committee of Adjustment for the Corporation of the Town of Milton met in regular session. Electronically via Live Streaming Video.

There were no agenda announcements/amendments. 

There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest. 

Minutes of Committee of Adjustment Hearing held on December 14, 2023.

  • Moved byTyler Slaght
    Seconded bySalman Ellahi


    1. The MINUTES of Milton Committee of Adjustment and Consent Meeting held on Thursday, December 14, 2023 BE APPROVED.

Chair Kluge provided an overview of the housekeeping items. 

Agent for the applicant, Jeff Jansen, address: 70 Main Street North Campbellville provided an overview of the application.

Public Participation

James Coey, address: 67 Robert Street claimed he would like to voice his support for the minor variance presented before the committee. He stated he too had to go before the committee of adjustments because even though he had a five-bedroom house in New Milton, there was not enough parking spots. He is also familiar with the house the applicant originally built, and it fits within the architecture of Milton.

Nicola Gillio, address: 83 John Street claimed he built his house three years ago and also had to apply for a minor variance through the committee of adjustment, he has four children who are all in university and all have cars, which in his case there also wasn't enough parking. Furthermore, he supports the applicants new built based on the size of the applicant’s family. He also states the corner lot needs to be re-developed as it's become an eye-sore to the entire town, and he would like to see that area further develop into a particular character.

The applicant, Chris Smith, address: 29 Barton Street, expressed how much the property means to himself and his family. His wife's father was born in the home and there is nothing they would like to do more than honour the neighbourhood and heritage of the home, by building something that is appropriate for the neighbourhood. Upon working with agent Jeff Jansen, he claimed he is interested in building a heritage looking home that fits well into the neighbourhood. Furthermore, all of the design pictures that were given to agent Jeff Jansen for a concept perspective were taken from Victoria Street.

Peter Muley, address: 40 King Street, stated his father bought the subject property in 1954. He claimed his daughter (applicant) is very keen in keeping the old Milton look, however it does need a little bit of revamping. What they want to do is keep the style and ambiance in the family name and he is very supportive of the plan the applicants (his daughter and son-in-law) want to execute.

Questions to Town Planner Taylor Wellings

Member Ellahi inquired if this is the final design that has come forward to the committee of adjustment or has there been prior designs submitted. Town Planner Wellings claimed this is the original design they did see, when she met with the applicant back in November. The applicants did go back and forth with the Town about revising the design, but ultimately they choose to go ahead with the original design.

Agent Jeff Jansen stated they worked with Town staff on this particular proposal, and when they presented the original design to the Town, they weren't supportive of the lot coverage. The applicants went back to the town, and took off the rear porch in their design, their lot coverage still exceeded 10% of what is permitted, and the Town was still not in favour of the adjusted design. The applicant was upset that the Town was still not in favour of their design, and ultimately went back to their original design with the rear covered porch, which is why they are here today requesting for an increase of 17% lot coverage.

Member Jayaveer inquired what was planning staff's suggestions for reducing the lot coverage. Town Planner Wellings stated her first suggestion was to scale the home back. It is not the rear and front porches she is concerned about, rather it is the scale and size of the home for the lot itself, and it being in a corner lot. She reiterated Agent Jansen's point, in which the owners were willing to scale back the porches, and remove the covered porch in the back, however despite those changes the proposal would have been a 10% lot coverage increase which she was not comfortable supporting.

Chair Kluge claimed he does not understand why covered porches are included in gross floor area. He spoke with Town Planner Wellings who explained to him the definition for gross floor area and coverage, and how basements aren't included in gross floor area and coverage, where he believes it should be. He stated he would like Town zoning to re-consider whether or not covered porches should be included within Lot coverage, especially in a heritage district where covered porches add so much more.

  • Moved byTyler Slaght
    Seconded bySalman Ellahi


    THE APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE under Section 45(1)(2) of the Planning Act –File (A23-117/M) for 104 Robert Street in the Town of Milton BE DENIED.


Agent for the applicant, Shivang Tarika, address: 106 Morningside Drive, Georgetown provided an overview of the application. 

  • Moved byTharushe Jayaveer
    Seconded byTyler Slaght


    THE APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE under Section 45(1)(2) of the Planning Act –File (A23-108/M) for 1158 Raspberry Terrace in the Town of Milton BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:

    1. That the secondary dwelling unit shall be located and constructed in accordance with the site plan and building elevations, prepared by Shivang Tarika date stamped by Town Zoning on November 1, 2023.
    2. That a building permit application be obtained within two (2) years from the date of this decision.
    3. That a portion of both side yard interlocking pavement be removed and sod be placed to the satisfaction of the Town of Milton.
    4. That the approval be subject to an expiry of two (2) years from the date of decision if the conditions are not met, if the proposed development does not proceed and/or a building permit is not secured.

Agent for the applicant, Tanvir, address: 2131 Williams Parkway Brampton provided an overview of the application.

  • Moved bySalman Ellahi
    Seconded byTharushe Jayaveer


    THE APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE under Section 45(1)(2) of the Planning Act –File (A23- 118/M) for 409 Boyd Lane in the Town of Milton BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:

    1. That the secondary dwelling unit shall be located and constructed in accordance with the site plan and building elevations, prepared by Noble Prime Solutions Ltd. date stamped by Town Zoning on January 5, 2023.
    2. That a building permit application be obtained within two (2) years from the date of this decision.
    3. That the approval be subject to an expiry of two (2) years from the date of decision if the conditions are not met, if the proposed development does not proceed and/or a building permit is not secured.

Agent for the applicant, Tanvir, address: 2131 Williams Parkway Brampton, provided an overview of the application. 

  • Moved byTyler Slaght
    Seconded bySalman Ellahi


    THE APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE under Section 45(1)(2) of the Planning Act –File (A23- 119/M) for 497 Boyd Lane in the Town of Milton BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:

    1. That the secondary dwelling unit shall be located and constructed in accordance with the site plan and building elevations, prepared by Noble Prime Solutions Ltd. date stamped by Town Zoning on December 6, 2023.
    2. That a building permit application be obtained within two (2) years from the date of this decision.
    3. That the approval be subject to an expiry of two (2) years from the date of decision if the conditions are not met, if the proposed development does not proceed and/or a building permit is not secured.

Agent for the applicant, Jessica Kwan, address: 2680 Skymark Avenue Mississauga, provided an overview of the application. 

Questions to Town Planner Natalie Stopar

Chair Kluge spoke about application similar to the subject application that came (different applicant) to the committee of adjustment and inquired if they were applying to reduce the office component to 5%, which the Town does not want to recommend approval for anything below 10%. Town Planner Stopar stated that this is a separate owner from the previous application, and that application heard at the last meeting was to reduce the office component down to 5%, which she was not in support of. The lowest number the Town is willing to go to is 10%, which is what the applicant before us today has requested. 

  • Moved byTharushe Jayaveer
    Seconded byTyler Slaght


    THE APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE under Section 45(1)(2) of the Planning Act –File (A23-120/M) for 11319 Derry Road in the Town of Milton BE APPROVED.


Malav Shah, applicant for the agent, address: 83 Garth Massey Drive Cambridge, provided an overview of the application. 

  • Moved bySalman Ellahi
    Seconded byTharushe Jayaveer


    THE APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE under Section 45(1)(2) of the Planning Act –File (A23-121/M) for 959 Cherry Court in the Town of Milton BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:

    1. That the secondary dwelling unit shall be located and constructed in accordance with the site plan and building elevations, prepared by Blue Prints Permit date stamped by Town Zoning on December 8, 2023.
    2. That a building permit application be obtained within two (2) years from the date of this decision.
    3. That the approval be subject to an expiry of two (2) years from the date of decision if the conditions are not met, if the proposed development does not proceed and/or a building permit is not secured.

Thursday, February 22, 2024, commencing at 6:00 p.m

There being no further business to discuss the Chair adjourned the meeting at 6:38 p.m.