The Corporation of the

Town of Milton

Committee of Adjustment Minutes

Council Chambers - In Person

The Committee of Adjustment for the Corporation of the Town of Milton met in regular session in person. All members were present except member Jayaveer.

  • Moved byTyler Slaght
    Seconded bySalman Ellahi

    THAT the Minutes from the October 24, 2024 Committee of Adjustment and Consent Hearing be APPROVED


The Agent provided an overview of the application.

There were no questions from Committee Members nor from the public.

  • Moved bySalman Ellahi
    Seconded byTharushe Jayaveer

    THAT the application for minor variance BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:

    1. That the development shall be located and constructed in accordance with the site plan and building elevations, prepared by Donya Abasiliasi. date stamped by Town Zoning on October 18th, 2024.
    2. That a building permit application be obtained within two (2) years from the date of this decision; and,
    3. That the approval be subject to an expiry of two (2) years from the date of decision if the conditions are not met, if the proposed development does not proceed and/or a building permit is not secured.

Town Planner Madison Polidoro provided an overview of the application.

There were no questions from Committee Members nor from the public.

  • Moved bySalman Ellahi
    Seconded byTyler Slaght

    THAT the application for minor variance BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:

    1. That the development shall be located and constructed in accordance with the site plan and building elevations, prepared by Farrukh Shahbaz, date stamped by Town Zoning on October 16th, 2024;
    2. That a Residential Sprinkler System be included in the plans submitted for Building Permit;
    3. That a building permit application be obtained within two (2) years from the date of this decision; and,
    4. That the approval be subject to an expiry of two (2) years from the date of decision if the conditions are not met, if the proposed development does not proceed and/or a building permit is not secured.

The Agent provided an overview of the application.

There were no questions from Committee Members nor from the public.

  • Moved byTharushe Jayaveer
    Seconded bySalman Ellahi

    THAT the application for minor variance BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:

    1. That the development shall be located and constructed in accordance with the site plan and building elevations, prepared by Shivang Tarika. date stamped by Town Zoning on November 5th, 2024.
    2. That a Residential Sprinkler System be included in the plans submitted for Building Permit;
    3. That a Building Permit be issued within two (2) years from the date of this decision; and,
    4. That the approval be subject to an expiry of two (2) years from the date of decision if the conditions are not met, if the proposed development does not proceed and/or a Building Permit is not secured.

With there being no further business, the Chair adjourned the Hearing at 6:09 PM