The Corporation of theTown of MiltonStrategic Plan Workshop – Council Chambers – Town HallJune 19, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.Regular Council meeting to follow at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers - Town Hall150 Mary Street, Milton, ON L9T 6Z5 Monday, June 19, 2023 at 6:00 P.m. - 8:00 P.m.Town Hall150 Mary Street, Milton, ON L9T 6Z5This meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting with Members of Council having the opportunity to participate in-person at Town Hall or electronically. At this time, members of the public are encouraged to continue to view the meeting by watching the live stream.Should you wish to delegate to a Council meeting please complete the online delegation form at by 12:00 p.m. (noon) two business days before the meeting is to be held.1.PRESENTATIONS 1.1Strategic Plan Workshop Andy Scott, Director, Strategic Initiatives and Business Development Peter Wright, The Planning Group 2.MOMENT OF SILENT REFLECTION / O’ CANADA / TRADITIONAL LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 3.AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS / AMENDMENTS 4.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 5.CONSENT ITEMS 5.1Minutes of the Council meeting held on May 29, 2023 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CM_May29_2023 - English.pdf5.2Z-13/21 Sustainable Halton Urban Expansion Zoning Technical Report 1.Sustainable Halton Urban Expansion Zoning Technical Report.pdf2.FD Zoning Urban Bylaw June 2023 (Attachment 1).pdf3.FD Zoning Figure 1 (Attachment 1).pdf4.FD Zoning Schedule A (Attachment 1).pdf5.FD Zoning Rural Bylaw June 2023 (Attachment 2).pdf6.FD Zoning Figure 2 (Attachment 2).pdfTHAT Town Initiated Zoning Application Z-13/21 – Sustainable Halton Urban Expansion Zoning amendments to 016-2014 and 144-2003 BE APPROVED.6.DELEGATIONS 7.PUBLIC MEETING 8.ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 8.1Vehicles For Hire By-law 1.Vehicles For Hire By-law.pdf2.Appendix A.pdf8.2We Make Milton – Moving in Milton 1.We Make Milton - Moving in Milton.pdf2.Attachment1_WeMakeMilton_Moving_Background_May2023.pdf3.Attachment2_WeMakeMilton_Moving_Policy_Considerations_May2023.pdf4.Attachment3_MovingInMilton_Survey_Responses_Report_2023.pdf8.3Capital and Operating Financial Statements – April 2023 1.Capital and Operating Financial Statements - April 2023.pdf2.Appendix A CORS-032-23 Capital and Operating Financial Statements as at April 30 2023.pdf8.4 DMBIA & TJSF Event - Councillor Tesser Derksen 1.7 - May 29, 2023 - Tesser Derksen - DMBIA and TJSF Winter Event with Attachment.pdf9.INTRODUCTION OF NOTICE OF MOTION 10.REGIONAL COUNCIL UPDATE 11.STATEMENT BY MEMBERS 12.CONFIDENTIAL SESSION 13.OPEN SESSION 14.BY-LAWS 14.1046-2023 Partial Assumption Shipp South Phase 1 ( 2C West) 20M-925 1.046-2023 Partial Assumption Shipp South Phase 1 ( 2C West) 20M-925.pdfBEING A BY-LAW TO PARTIALLY ASSUME SUBDIVISION PLAN 20M-925 – SHIPP SOUTH PHASE 1, 2C WEST SPECIFICALLY LOTS 1, 2, 16, 17, 33, 38 AND 3914.2047-2023 Full Assumption of Subdivision Framgard PH1 20M-1165 1.047-2023 Full Assumption of Subdivision Framgard PH1 20M-1165.pdfBEING A BY-LAW TO ASSUME SUBDIVISION PLAN 20M-1165 – FARMGARD PHASE 1 AND BEING A BY-LAW TO LIFT AND ASSUME AS PART OF THE PUBLIC HIGHWAY SYSTEM .3 METRE RESERVE KNOWN AS BLOCK 275 ON PLAN 20M-116514.3048-2023 Full Assumption of Subdivision Framgard PH2 20M-1167 1.048-2023 Full Assumption of Subdivision Framgard PH2 20M-1167.pdfBEING A BY-LAW TO ASSUME SUBDIVISION PLAN 20M-1167 – FRAMGARD – PHASE 214.4049-2023 Partial Assumption of Farmgard PH3 20M-1197 & Lift Reserves 1.049-2023 Partial Assumption of Farmgard PH3 20M-1197 Lift Reserves.pdfBEING A BY-LAW TO PARTIALLY ASSUME SUBDIVISION PLAN 20M-1197 – FARMGARD PHASE 3 SPECIFICALLY LOTS 1 TO 42 AND BLOCKS 43 TO 47 AND BEING A BY-LAW TO LIFT AND ASSUME AS PART OF THE PUBLIC HIGHWAY SYSTEM .3 METRE RESERVES KNOWN AS BLOCK 49, 50 AND 51 ON PLAN 20M-119714.5050-2023 Vehicle for Hire By-law and Repeal By-laws 1.050-2023 Vehicle for Hire By-law and Repeal By-laws 94-2004, 001-2006, 143-2009, 078-2010, 042-2011 and 050-2011.pdfBEING A BY-LAW TO REGULATE AND LICENSE VEHICLES FOR HIRE AND TO REPEAL BY-LAWS 94-2004, 001-2006, 143-2009, 078-2010, 042-2011 and 050-201114.6051-2023 Designation by-law 76 King Thomas Ford House 1.051-2023 Designation by-law 76 King Thomas Ford House.pdfBEING A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE THE PROPERTY KNOWN MUNICIPALLY AS 76 KING Street, MILTON, ON L9T 1L8, LOT 5 BLOCK 6 OF FOSTER SURVEY (PLAN NO.7), TOWN OF MILTON, REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALTON, IN THE TOWN OF MILTON, AS BEING OF CULTURAL HERITAGE VALUE OR INTEREST14.7052-2023 Designation by-law 22 King Alex Hogg Stone house 1.052-2023 Designation by-law 22 King Alex Hogg Stone house.pdfBEING A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE THE PROPERTY KNOWN MUNICIPALLY AS 22 KING STREET, MILTON, ON L9T 1J5, LOT 6 BLOCK 3 OF FOSTER SURVEY (PLAN NO.7), TOWN OF MILTON, REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALTON, IN THE TOWN OF MILTON, AS BEING OF CULTURAL HERITAGE VALUE OR INTEREST14.8053-2023 FD Zoning Urban, Z13-21 1.053-2023 FD Zoning Urban, Z13-21.pdfBEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE TOWN OF MILTON COMPREHENSIVEZONING BY-LAW 016-2014, AS AMENDED, PURSUANT TO SECTION 34 OF THEPLANNING ACT, AS AMENDED, TO ADD THE SUSTAINABLE HALTON LANDS TOTHE URBAN ZONING BY-LAW, IN RESPECT OF THE LANDS AS DEPICTED ONFIGURE 1: LOCATION MAP, FILE: Z-13/2114.9054-2023 FD Zoning Rural, Z13-21 1.054-2023 FD Zoning Rural, Z13-21.pdfBEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE TOWN OF MILTON COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 144-2003, AS AMENDED, PURSUANT TO SECTION 34 OF THE PLANNING ACT, AS AMENDED, TO REMOVE THE SUSTAINABLE HALTON LANDS FROM THE RURAL ZONING BY-LAW IN RESPECT OF THE LANDS AS DEPICTED ON FIGURE 2: LOCATION MAP, FILE: Z-13/2114.10055-2023 Confirm Proceedings By-law June 19, 2023 1.055-2023 Confirm Proceedings By-law June 19, 2023.pdfBEING A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF MILTON AT ITS MEETING HELD JUNE 19, 202315.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.7 - May 29, 2023 - Tesser Derksen - DMBIA and TJSF Winter Event with Attachment.pdf1.Sustainable Halton Urban Expansion Zoning Technical Report.pdf2.FD Zoning Urban Bylaw June 2023 (Attachment 1).pdf3.FD Zoning Figure 1 (Attachment 1).pdf4.FD Zoning Schedule A (Attachment 1).pdf5.FD Zoning Rural Bylaw June 2023 (Attachment 2).pdf6.FD Zoning Figure 2 (Attachment 2).pdf1.Capital and Operating Financial Statements - April 2023.pdf2.Appendix A CORS-032-23 Capital and Operating Financial Statements as at April 30 2023.pdf1.Vehicles For Hire By-law.pdf2.Appendix A.pdf1.We Make Milton - Moving in Milton.pdf2.Attachment1_WeMakeMilton_Moving_Background_May2023.pdf3.Attachment2_WeMakeMilton_Moving_Policy_Considerations_May2023.pdf4.Attachment3_MovingInMilton_Survey_Responses_Report_2023.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CM_May29_2023 - English.pdf1.046-2023 Partial Assumption Shipp South Phase 1 ( 2C West) 20M-925.pdf1.047-2023 Full Assumption of Subdivision Framgard PH1 20M-1165.pdf1.048-2023 Full Assumption of Subdivision Framgard PH2 20M-1167.pdf1.049-2023 Partial Assumption of Farmgard PH3 20M-1197 Lift Reserves.pdf1.050-2023 Vehicle for Hire By-law and Repeal By-laws 94-2004, 001-2006, 143-2009, 078-2010, 042-2011 and 050-2011.pdf1.051-2023 Designation by-law 76 King Thomas Ford House.pdf1.052-2023 Designation by-law 22 King Alex Hogg Stone house.pdf1.053-2023 FD Zoning Urban, Z13-21.pdf1.054-2023 FD Zoning Rural, Z13-21.pdf1.055-2023 Confirm Proceedings By-law June 19, 2023.pdf