The Corporation of the

Town of Milton


Town Hall
150 Mary Street, Milton, ON L9T 6Z5
Members Absent:
  • Mayor Krantz, 
  • Councillor Ali, 
  • Councillor Best, 
  • Councillor Challinor, 
  • Councillor Malboeuf, 
  • Councillor Tesser Derksen, 
  • Councillor Ijaz, 
  • Councillor Marshall, 
  • and Councillor Khalqi 

The Council for the Corporation of the Town of Milton met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. This meeting was held as a hybrid meeting with Members of Council having the opportunity to participate in-person at Town Hall or electronically. 

There were no Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest.

  • Moved byCouncillor Ali
    Seconded byCouncillor Best

    THAT Consent Items 5.1 to 5.4 be approved.

  • THAT Staff Report DS-069-24 entitled: “Notice of Intention to Designate - 6426 Sixth Line be received and;

    THAT Council recognize the historic house at 6426 Sixth Line in the Town of Milton as being of heritage significance;

    THAT Council designate the property under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18 for the reasons outlined in the Reasons for Designation attached as Appendix 1 to this Report;

    AND THAT the Town Clerk provides the Notice of Intention to Designate as outlined in Section 29 (4) of the Ontario Heritage Act;

    AND FURTHER THAT once the thirty-day objection period has expired and if there are no objections, a designation by-law will be brought forward for Council adoption.

  • THAT Staff Report DS-070-24 entitled: “Notice of Intention to Designate - 121 Thomas Street be received and;

    THAT Council recognize the historic house at 121 Thomas Street in the Town of Milton as being of heritage significance;

    THAT Council designate the property under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18 for the reasons outlined in the Reasons for Designation attached as Appendix 1 to this Report;

    AND THAT the Town Clerk provides the Notice of Intention to Designate as outlined in Section 29 (4) of the Ontario Heritage Act;

    AND FURTHER THAT once the thirty-day objection period has expired and if there are no objections, a designation by-law will be brought forward for Council adoption.

  • THAT report ES-029-24 covering the capital and operating financial statements as at August 31, 2024, be received for information.

Town Planner Gail Anderson addressed Council with a presentation with respect to Staff Report DS--066-24

Councilor Best inquired on what uses will be allowed on these properties.

Town Planner Anderson confirms that the new Land Use will be "Natural Heritage Systems" and would preclude any Urban Land Uses.

Councilor Best asks Town Staff if there are any other known applications of similarity to the proposed application. 

Mayor Krantz states his support of the proposed application and asks Town Staff about the fill being used at the subject lands.

Town Planner Anderson confirms that all fill material being used in the site rehabilitation is in conformity with Provincial standards.

  • Moved byCouncillor Challinor
    Seconded byCouncillor Ijaz

    THAT Council approve Staff Report DS- 066-24 detailing the Town Initiated Official Plan Amendment to update the land use designation for Part Lot 6 Concession 4 and Part Lot 5 Concession 5;

    AND THAT Council authorize staff to bring forward Official Plan Amendments No. 83 and No. 84 in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to Report DS-066-24 for Council adoption.


Laurier University representatives provided an overview of an update on University Operations. 

Council Ali inquires about program offerings with respect to reaching the female demographic.

Mayor Krantz inquires about the land research facilities and the University's commitment to working with the appropriate governing bodies. Mayor Krantz also asks University representatives to provide an overview of how the Milton 2051 vision will look for the University. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Ali
    Seconded byCouncillor Best

    THAT report ES-032- 24 is received for information.


Commissioner of Corporate Services Kristene Scott addressed Council with respect to Staff Report CORS-028-24.

Councilor Ali raises concerns over the logistics of the report as well as parking enforcement. Commissioner Scott clarifies that this is a Pilot Program and that all feedback will be taken into consideration to fine tune the Program before it is rolled out. Town Clerk Meaghen Reid addressed parking enforcement.

Councilor Ijaz voiced his support for the report in addition to asking the rationale of the parking permit cost. Town Clerk Reid stated that this price is aligned with comparable offerings in the surrounding municipalities. 

Councilor Khalqi voiced his support for the report.

Councilor Marshall voiced her support for the report.

  • Moved byCouncillor Ali
    Seconded byCouncillor Best

    THAT staff be directed to proceed with the implementation of a one-year permit parking program within designated municipal parks and report back to Council with results and recommendations; 

    AND THAT a new parking permit user fee of $60 per month, including taxes, be introduced effective January 1, 2025 to recover the cost of administering the pilot program and be included within the Town’s User Fee By-law at the next available opportunity;

    AND THAT staff be directed to bring forward any necessary by-law amendments to facilitate the implementation of the pilot program.

  • Moved byCouncillor Ali
    Seconded byCouncillor Best

    THAT Council endorse the Town’s application for the Municipal Housing Infrastructure Program (MHIP) - Housing Enabling Core Services Stream (HECS), as outlined herein, including the selection of the Nipissing Road Reconstruction project.

    AND THAT staff be delegated the authority to prepare and submit the application to the MHIP - HECS to the Province, as well as to make any revisions that may be required in the discretion of the Commissioner, Community Services.

    AND THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute any agreements that may be required in relation the MHIP-HECS program. 


Councilor Ali inquires about the eligibility of the future Boyne Community Centre with respect to this program. CFO Cowan states that it is unlikely that the future Boyne Community Centre will qualify. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Ali
    Seconded byCouncillor Best

    THAT Council endorse the Town’s application for the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund (CSRIF) as outlined herein, including the selection of the Milton Sports Centre Facility Improvements project.

    AND THAT staff be delegated the authority to prepare and submit the application to the CSRIF to the Province, as well as to make any revisions that may be required in the discretion of the Commissioner, Community Services.

    AND THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute any agreements that may be required in relation the CSRIF program.

  • Moved byCouncillor Ali
    Seconded byCouncillor Best

    THAT Council endorse the Town’s application for the Municipal Housing Infrastructure Program (MHIP) - Housing Enabling Water Systems Fund (HEWSF) as outlined herein, including the selection of the Stormwater Management Pond 15 retrofit project.

    AND THAT staff be delegated the authority to prepare and submit the application to the MHIP - HEWSF to the Province, as well as to make any revisions that may be required in the discretion of the Commissioner, Community Services.

    AND THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute any agreements that may be required in relation the MHIP-HEWSF program.


CFO Cowan provided a brief overview with respect to Staff Report ES-030-24

  • Moved byCouncillor Challinor
    Seconded byCouncillor Ijaz

    THAT Council approve the budget amendments and related funding sources, as outlined on Schedule A;

    THAT Council approve the budget amendment for Capital Project C47001024 – Milton Community Park – Pickleball Lighting, as outlined on Schedule B;

    THAT the contract increase for additional consulting services for the Milton Education Village Subwatershed Impact Study (SIS) to WSP E&I Canada in the amount of $54,184 (exclusive of HST) be approved, as outlined in Schedule C;

    THAT the contract increase for additional consulting services for the Stormwater Master Plan to Aquafor Beech Limited in the amount of $187,562 (exclusive of HST) be approved, as outlined in Schedule D;

    THAT the contract increase for additional consulting services for the Mill Pond Rehabilitation Project to Aquafor Beech Limited in the amount of $76,500 (exclusive of HST) be approved, as outlined in Schedule E;

    THAT the contract increase for Milton Town Hall Restoration Works – Phase II project to Phoenix Restoration Inc. in the amount of $3,750 (exclusive of HST) be approved, as outlined in Schedule F;

    THAT staff be delegated authority for up to a 10% contingency award(s) for any remaining costs associated with the Milton Town Hall Restoration Works – Phase II project works that are required to project completion;

    THAT a single source award to Vayle Inc. for implementation and ongoing software licensing and support of a Freedom of Information Access and Privacy software compliance solution in the amount of $49,250 (exclusive of HST) be approved, as outlined in Schedule G;

    THAT a single source award to Vayle Inc. for implementation and ongoing software licensing and support of a Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) software solution in the estimated amount of $28,800 (exclusive of HST) be approved, as outlined in Schedule G;

    THAT the contract award made under delegated authority for Consulting Services for the Ontario Street Rehabilitation to GEI Consultants (formerly GM Blue Plan Engineering) in the amount of $261,366 (exclusive of HST), be received as outlined in Schedule H;

    THAT the contract increase made under delegated authority for the Ponds 4, 2 & 8 Rehabilitation to WSP Canada Inc. in the amount of $84,856 (exclusive of HST) be received, as outlined in Schedule I;

    THAT the Manager, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management be authorized to execute the contract(s), as outlined by the purchasing by-law, and the Mayor and the Town Clerk be authorized to sign any required paperwork.


Mayor Krantz provided an update with respect to the Court's decision regarding the CN Milton Logistics Hub Project. CAO Andrew Siltala states there is no timeline as of right now and that the Region will likely take the lead on next steps.

Councilor Ali voiced her disapproval of the CN File. 

  • Moved byCouncillor Best
    Seconded byCouncillor Ali

    THAT Milton Council convene into confidential session to discuss proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board with respect to the 2024 Real Estate Portfolio Update and  personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees with respect to the appointments to the Board of Directors for Milton Hydro Holdings Inc.

  • Moved byCouncillor Best
    Seconded byCouncillor Ali

    THAT Council resume in open session.

  • Moved byCouncillor Best
    Seconded byCouncillor Ali

    THAT the recommendations contained in Staff Report ES-031-24 be approved.

  • Moved byCouncillor Best
    Seconded byCouncillor Ali

    THAT the recommendations contained in Staff Report CORS-029-24 be approved.



  • Moved byCouncillor Challinor
    Seconded byCouncillor Ijaz

    THAT By-law Numbers 083-2024, through to and including Bylaw 097-2024, be READ, PASSED AND NUMBERED;

    AND THAT the Mayor and the Town Clerk be authorized to sign the said By-laws, seal them with the seal of the Corporation and that they be engrossed in the By-law Book.


There being no further business, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:14 PM

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