The Corporation of the

Town of Milton


Town Hall
150 Mary Street, Milton, ON L9T 6Z5
Members Present:
  • Mayor Krantz, 
  • Councillor Ali, 
  • Councillor Best, 
  • Councillor Challinor, 
  • Councillor Malboeuf, 
  • Councillor Tesser Derksen, 
  • Councillor Ijaz, 
  • Councillor Marshall, 
  • and Councillor Khalqi 

The Council for the Corporation of the Town of Milton met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. This meeting was held as a hybrid meeting with Members of Council having the opportunity to participate in-person at Town Hall or electronically.

The Town Clerk noted that on Friday, November 10, 2023, a revised agenda was posted to the Town website, which included reports relating to the Housing Accelerator Fund report, the 2023 Halton Region Allocation Program report, and the Purchasing Various report, under Items for Consideration.

In addition, two delegates were added and two written submissions were received with regards to Items for Consideration #8.1 We Make Milton – Growing in Milton Policy Considerations Report.  The written submissions were circulated to all members of Council in advance of tonight’s meeting.

Furthermore, the Town Clerk noted that later on in the agenda, there is one statutory public meeting scheduled with regard to a Zoning By-law Amendment application by 150 Steeles Inc., applicable to lands known municipally as 150 Steeles Ave East.

During the course of the live meeting, members of the public can speak in person, or they can connect via phone by dialing a dedicated phone number 1-(866) 511-0021, or they can email, and they will be given instructions on how to enter and participate in the meeting via phone.

She also noted that these instructions will be provided again at the beginning of the public meeting.  Information about how to connect will also be scrolling across the livestream video.

Erin Westman and Areej Ghazal, Co-Chairs, Elsie MacGill Secondary School Community, addressed Council with respect to Staff Report DS-050-23.

Kim Bradshaw, Stop Sprawl Halton, addressed Council with respect to Staff Report DS-051-23.

Marina Huissoon, Sustainable Milton, addressed Council with respect to Staff Report DS-051-23.

Jill Hogan, Commissioner, Development Services, and Jennifer Lawrence, Neatt Communities, representative for the applicant, addressed Council with respect to Staff Report DS-048-23.

As no members of the public came forward at this time, the Acting Chair closed the public meeting.

  • Res. 151-23
    Moved byCouncillor Challinor
    Seconded byCouncillor Best

    THAT Report DS-048-23, be received for information.

  • Res. 152-23
    Moved byCouncillor Challinor
    Seconded byCouncillor Best

    THAT staff implement four (4) 40km/h Neighbourhood Zones in the area bordered by Derry Road, Bronte Street South, Louis St. Laurent Avenue and Regional Road 25 within Ward 4;

    THAT staff report back to Council in Q1 2024 with a detailed financial impact estimate and proposed implementation plan for the remaining proposed 40km/h Neighbourhood Zones along local and minor collector roads;

    THAT Council approve a budget amendment in the amount of $96,672 to capital project C40010223 - Traffic Infrastructure, funded from the Project Variance Account, for new School Zone Flashers along frontages of Secondary Schools on Arterial Roads;

    AND THAT staff report back to Council in Q1 2024 with a detailed financial impact estimate and proposed implementation plan for the installation of raised crosswalks at school PXOs along Major Collector Roads.

  • Res. 153-23
    Moved byCouncillor Challinor
    Seconded byCouncillor Best

    THAT Council receive Report DS-051-23 for information;

    AND THAT the recommended policy considerations for the theme of Growing in Milton be endorsed by Council and that they be used to guide subsequent stages of We Make Milton.

  • Res. 155-20
    Moved byCouncillor Ijaz
    Seconded byCouncillor Best
    1. THAT Council endorse the updated HAF Application, including the following five (5) additional initiatives as requested by the Federal Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, as outlined further in ES-011-23:
      1. Permitting four units as-of-right city-wide;
      2. Permitting four storeys as-of-right within 800 metres walking distance of Milton Transit lines;
      3. Designate dedicated staff to implement an affordable housing strategy, which should involve liaising with non-market housing providers and other levels of government, guiding projects through the development and permitting process, and identifying lands for affordable nonmarket housing;
      4. Delegate decision-making power for minor re-zonings, as well as approvals for affordable housing and modular housing, to Town staff;
      5. Create incentives to encourage the development of purpose-build rentals and non-market housing.
    2. THAT the implementation of any of the five additional initiatives noted above be contingent on further Council approvals as outlined in the Supplemental Information that the Town provided for the HAF program (Attached herein as Appendix C).
    3. THAT the Commissioner of Development Services be authorized to make any further adjustments required to the Town of Milton’s HAF Application.
    4. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any agreements that are required in relation to the HAF funding program.
  • Res. 156-23
    Moved byCouncillor Ijaz
    Seconded byCouncillor Challinor

    THAT this report be received for information.

  • Res. 157-23
    Moved byCouncillor Challinor
    Seconded byCouncillor Ijaz

    THAT Council approve the budget amendments and related funding sources as outlined on Schedule A.

    THAT the contract increase for absolute secure access client software to Rogers Communications Canada in the amount of $88,709 (excl. HST) be approved as outlined on Schedule B.

    THAT the contract increase for detailed design for Nipissing Road to WSP Canada Inc. in the amount of $660,600 (excl. HST) be approved as outlined on Schedule C.

    THAT staff be delegated the authority to approve change orders up to a total of 15% of the awarded value to WSP Canada Inc. in relation to the Nipissing Road reconstruction.

    THAT the delegated authority to award the street light and pole condition assessment in the estimated amount of $387,420 (excl. HST) be approved as outlined on Schedule D.

    THAT the contract increase made under delegated authority for additional work required for the Fifth Line Grade Crossing and Widening to Canadian Pacific Railway Company in the amount of $354,427 (excl. HST) be received for information as outlined in Schedule E.

    THAT the contract increase made under delegated authority for Environmental Assessment of the Peru Road Bridge Removal and Cul-de-Sac Implementation to GM BluePlan Engineering Limited in the amount of $9,080 (excl. HST) be received as outlined in Schedule F.

    THAT the contract award made under delegated authority for Campbellville Road Guide Rail Upgrades to Powell Contracting Limited in the amount of $1,266,870 (excl. HST) be received as outlined in Schedule G.

    THAT the single source award made under delegated authority to conduct a Feasibility Study for the Milton Transit Garage to WSP Canada Limited in the amount of $66,710 (excl. HST) be received as outlined in Schedule H.

    THAT staff be delegated the authority to make a single source award to Pinchin Ltd. to undertake Asbestos Assessments for select Town facilities, and that details of the award be reported back to Council for information.

    THAT the Manager, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management be authorized to execute the contract(s), as outlined by the purchasing by-law, and the Mayor and the Town Clerk be authorized to sign any required paperwork.

  • Res. 158-23
    Moved byCouncillor Tesser Derksen
    Seconded byCouncillor Ali

    WHEREAS, through its School Crossing Guards Policy, the Town of Milton currently uses specific warrants to determine the installing or removal of crossing guards at pedestrian crosswalks, crossovers, and high pedestrian areas, such as intersections around schools; 

    AND WHEREAS, each year, there are incidents of vehicle-pedestrian collisions in school zones and on school walking routes, typically involving minors being struck by vehicles; 

    AND WHEREAS the removal of crossing guards pursuant to the current warrants may result in a reduction of safety for children and pedestrians in school zones and their immediate areas, and may result in a decrease in confidence that caregivers and students have in pedestrian safety; 

    AND WHEREAS the current warrants being used to determine the need for crossing guards at particular locations may not be adequate to meet the threshold for safety that our community expects and deserves; 

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff undertake a review of the Town’s Placement of School Crossing Guards Policy and report back to Council in Q2 2024 with recommendations on a new warrant methodology for justifying placement of crossing guards at locations within school zones and in the immediate vicinity of school zones (such radius or vicinity to be included in the recommendations brought forward). 

    AND THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff explore options for shared funding opportunities with school boards to help offset the costs of hiring additional crossing guards.  


Council did not convene into confidential session and made the following resolutions in open session:

  • Res. 159-23
    Moved byCouncillor Best
    Seconded byCouncillor Ijaz

    THAT the recommendations contained in Staff Report DS-053-23 be approved.

  • Res. 160-23
    Moved byCouncillor Best
    Seconded byCouncillor Ijaz

    THAT the recommendations contained in Staff Report CORS-055-23 be approved.



  • Res. 161-23
    Moved byCouncillor Challinor
    Seconded byCouncillor Best

    THAT By-law Numbers 088-2023 through to and including Bylaw 090-2023, be READ, PASSED AND NUMBERED;

    AND THAT the Mayor and the Town Clerk be authorized to sign the said By-laws, seal them with the seal of the Corporation and that they be engrossed in the By-law Book.


There being no further business to discuss the Acting Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:18 p.m.

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