Mayor Krantz announced that he participated in a cheque presentation from the OLG, whereby the Town received a cheque in the amount of $7,450,061 for the fiscal year of April 2022 - March 2023. He noted that these funds were allotted to the Town as part of the OLG’s revenue sharing with the municipality and the Town uses a portion of these funds to support Milton’s non-profit sector through the Milton Community Fund and Small Grants Program, making an impact across Milton.
The Mayor thanked members of the Milton & District Horticultural Society who joined in the presentation earlier tonight. The Mayor noted that the Society was granted almost eighteen thousand dollars to assist in the enhancement of the Sunny Mount Community Garden.
Mayor Krantz thanked the OLG for their partnership, and collectively supporting A Place of Possibility for Milton.
Mayor Krantz also recognized the following property owners who recently received their bronze heritage plaque for a recent heritage designation on their properties:
- 1335 Basswood Crescent, Bowes House
- 17091 Fifth Line, Thomas Bell Horse Barn
- 76 King Street, Thomas Ford House
- 22 King Street, Alex Hogg Farmhouse
- 111 Mary Street, Edwin Earl House
The Town Clerk noted that on Friday, March 1, 2024, a revised agenda was posted to the Town website with the addition of a delegation with respect to Items for Consideration Item 9.2 - Technical Report – Zoning By-law Amendment Application – Chad John-Baptiste and representatives of Ahmadiyaa Muslim Jama’at Canada Inc.
The Town Clerk noted that a revision to By-law 015-2024 was posted, clarifying language regarding fencing along the southern lot line.
The Town Clerk announced that there is one statutory public meeting scheduled with regard to a Zoning By-law Amendment Application by 1000337795 Ontario Inc. applicable lands located 245 Commercial Street and the Town Clerk provided information on how to participate and provide comments on this application.