THAT Council approve the budget amendments and related funding sources as outlined on Schedule A.
THAT the contract award for Consulting Services for a Development Charges Background Study and Community Benefits Charge Study to Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. in the amount of $169,900 (exclusive of HST) be approved as outlined on Schedule B.
THAT the contract award for Professional Consulting Services Roster for Landscape Architecture – Design and Construction Contract Administration to Baker Turner Inc., NAK Design Strategies, Shift Landscape Architecture and The MBTW Group be approved as outlined on Schedule C.
THAT the contract award for Professional Consulting Services Roster for Architecture, Engineering & Building Envelope Specialists for Facilities Redevelopment – Design and Construction Contract Administration to ATA Architects Inc., Moffet & Duncan Architects Inc., Chisholm Fleming & Associates, GEI Consultants, Building Innovation Inc., CK Engineering Inc., Accent Building Sciences Inc. and Sense Engineering Ltd. be approved as outlined on Schedule D.
THAT the contract award for Professional Consulting Services Roster for Civil Engineering Capital Infrastructure Project - Design, Contract Administration and Ad Hoc Services to CIMA Canada, GEI Consultants, Tatham Engineering Ltd. And WSP Canada Inc. be approved as outlined on Schedule E.
THAT the contract award for Design, Supply and Installation of Play Equipment for Various Parks in 2025 to Openspace Solutions Inc. in the amount of $138,860.00 (exclusive of HST), Park N Water Ltd. In the amount of $119,212.24 (exclusive of HST) and Openspace Solutions Inc. in the amount of $209,915.00 be approved as outlined on Schedule F.
THAT the contract award for Design, Supply and Installation of Spray Pad Equipment for Bowes Neighbourhood Park in 2025 to ABC Recreation Ltd. in the total amount of $139,972.32 (exclusive of HST) be approved as outlined on Schedule G.
THAT the contract award for Payment Recovery and Advisory Services to Deloitte LLP be approved as outlined on Schedule H.
THAT the contract increase for Next Generation 911 Communication Links to Rogers Communications in the amount of $261,500 (exclusive of HST) and to Bell Canada in the amount of $235,520 be approved as outlined on Schedule I.
THAT delegated authority be provided to the Town’s Fire Chief to approve change orders (if required) up to an aggregate value of 20% of the value of the award to Rogers Communications and Bell Canada as outlined on Schedule I.
THAT staff be delegated the authority to renew the initial 60-month terms with each provider for a subsequent term of equal or lesser length, provided the total value of the renewed term is equal to or less than the value of the initial contract term price as outlined on Schedule I.
THAT the contract increase for Feasibility Study for the Milton Transit Garage to WSP Canada Limited in the amount of $1,168,750 (exclusive of HST) be approved as outlined on Schedule J.
THAT the contract increase to Hunt Chrysler for the provision of one (1) Truck Chassis in the amount of $96,648 (exclusive of HST) be approved as outlined on Schedule K.
THAT Council approve the Limited Tendering awards for 2025 as per the list of suppliers provided on Schedule L;
THAT Council authorize the Town to enter into the updated Master Adoption Agreements with Rogers Communication Inc., Bell Canada and Telus Communications as part of the Province of Ontario’s Vendor of Record program for a period of up to 10 years as outlined in Schedule L.
THAT Council authorize the Town to enter into any Master Agreements that may be necessary with PPE Solutions Inc. as part of the Canoe Purchasing Group of Canada’s RFP program for a period of up to 4 years as outlined in Schedule L.
THAT the delegated authority for a contract increase for the Watermain Gate Valve Replacement at Lions Park to Wm. Groves Limited in the amount of $12,295 be received for information as outlined on Schedule M.
THAT the emergency contract award for the repair of one (1) Transit bus to PWTransit Canada in the total amount of $80,527 (exclusive of HST), be received for information as outlined in Schedule N;
THAT the emergency contract award for the Supply and Delivery of two (2) Salt Spreaders to Green Tractors Inc. in the total amount of $40,000 (exclusive of HST), be received for information as outlined in Schedule O;
THAT the contract increase to Bothwell-Accurate Co. Inc. for additional roof repairs in the amount of $314,460 (exclusive of HST) be approved as outlined in Schedule P.
THAT the Manager, Procurement be authorized to execute the contract(s), as outlined by the purchasing by-law, and the Mayor and the Town Clerk be authorized to sign any required paperwork.