The Corporation of the

Town of Milton


Town Hall
150 Mary Street, Milton, ON L9T 6Z5
Members Present:
  • Mayor Krantz, 
  • Councillor Ali, 
  • Councillor Best, 
  • Councillor Challinor, 
  • Councillor Malboeuf, 
  • Councillor Tesser Derksen, 
  • Councillor Ijaz, 
  • Councillor Marshall, 
  • and Councillor Khalqi 

The Council for the Corporation of the Town of Milton met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. This meeting was held as a hybrid meeting with Members of Council having the opportunity to participate in-person at Town Hall or electronically. Councillor Malboeuf participated electronically. 

  • THAT Consent Items numbered 5.1 to 5.6 be approved.

  • THAT the 2023 Accessibility Status Report on the 2023-2028 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan attached as Appendix A, be received for information;

    THAT the Milton Transit Accessibility Plan, attached as Appendix B, be received for information.  

  • THAT Milton Council approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Milton and Agerton New Urban Land Ltd.;

    THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to sign any necessary documentation to the Memorandum of Understanding between The Corporation of the Town of Milton and Agerton New Urban Land Ltd.;

    THAT the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute a funding agreement between the Town and Agerton New Urban Land Ltd., to facilitate the completion of updates to the Trafalgar Corridor and Agerton Secondary Planning background studies, including completion of an Annex to the Town’s Master Environmental Servicing Plan together with such new studies as may be necessary, as described in this report, subject to the satisfaction of the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer and the Town’s Solicitor;

    THAT delegated authority to award consulting contracts for peer reviews following confirmation of scope of work and costs be approved as outlined;

    AND THAT the Manager, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management be authorized to execute the contract(s), as outlined by the purchasing by-law, and the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized to sign any required paperwork.

  • THAT Staff Report DS-055-24 entitled: “Notice of Intention to Designate - 359 Pearl Street be received and;
    THAT Milton Council recognizes the historic house at 359 Pearl Street in the Town of Milton as being of heritage significance;
    THAT Milton Council designate the property under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18 for the reasons outlined in the Reasons for Designation attached as Appendix 1 to this Report;
    AND THAT the Town Clerk provides the Notice of Intention to Designate as outlined in Section 29 (4) of the Ontario Heritage Act;
    AND FURTHER THAT once the thirty-day objection period has expired and if there are no objections, a designation by-law will be brought forward for Council adoption.

  • THAT Staff Report DS-056-24 entitled: “Notice of Intention to Designate - 206 Sarah Street - Charles Thompson House be received and;
    THAT Milton Council recognizes the historic house at 206 Sarah Street in the Town of Milton as being of heritage significance;
    THAT Milton Council designate the property under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18 for the reasons outlined in the Reasons for Designation attached as Appendix 1 to this Report;
    AND THAT the Town Clerk provides the Notice of Intention to Designate as outlined in Section 29 (4) of the Ontario Heritage Act;
    AND FURTHER THAT once the thirty-day objection period has expired and if there are no objections, a designation by-law will be brought forward for Council adoption.

  • Councillor Best declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Best is employed by the owner of the property. ;)
  • THAT Staff Report DS-053-24 outlining an amendment to the Town of Milton Zoning By-law 016-2014, as amended, to permit a dog daycare use on the lands be approved;

    AND THAT staff be authorized to bring forward an amending Zoning By-law in accordance with the draft By-law attached as Appendix 1 to Report DS-053-24 for Council adoption.   

  • THAT Town of Milton Council support the granting of Draft Plan Approval by the Commissioner of Development Services for the proposed plan of subdivision (Town File: 24T-21006/M);

    AND THAT Application Z-20/21 for an amendment to the Town of Milton Comprehensive Zoning By-law 016-2014, as amended, to change the current Future Development (FD) and Natural Heritage System (NHS) Zone Symbols to the Residential Medium Density 1 - Special Provision 356 (RMD1*356) Zone, Residential Medium Density 1 - Special Provision 357 (RMD1*357) Zone, Residential Medium Density 2 - Special Provision 358 (RMD2*358) Zone, Minor Institutional – Special Provision 359 (I-A*359) Zone, Mixed Use – Special Provision 360 (MU*360) Zone, Natural Heritage System (NHS) Zone, Open Space (OS) Zone, and Open Space – Stormwater Management (OS-2) Zone symbols, along with Holding (H) Symbols H35 and H78 on specific lots and blocks on the subject lands, be approved;

    AND THAT the Commissioner of Development Services forward this report to the Provincial Ministers of Health, Education, Transportation and Infrastructure and Metrolinx with a request to review and plan for future Milton District Hospital, school and transportation expansions;

    AND FURTHER THAT staff be authorized to bring forward an amending Zoning By-law for Council Adoption.

  • THAT the changes to user fees, as outlined through this staff report be received;

    THAT the Town fund 50% of the Subsidized Passes for the Low Income Transit (SPLIT) program beginning in 2025;

    THAT the proposed User Fee By-law 062-2024 be considered for approval.

  • THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Transfer Payment Agreement with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) for the Building Faster Fund, along with any other submissions that may be required in relation to the program.

    THAT the Investment Plan outlined in Appendix 2 to this report be approved and submitted to the Province in relation to the utilization of the Year 1 funding that is available from the Building Faster Fund.

    THAT staff be delegated the authority to prepare and submit to the MMAH any revisions to the Investment Plan as may be required.

    THAT staff be delegated the authority to prepare and submit to the MMAH the Investment Plans for any subsequent years of the Building Faster Fund.

  • THAT Council approve the budget amendments and related funding sources as outlined on Schedule A.

    THAT the proposal award for a Small/Light Rescue Vehicle for Milton Fire and Rescue Services be awarded to Darch Fire Inc. in the total amount of $327,500 (exclusive of HST), as outlined in Schedule B;

    THAT the proposal award for Consulting Services for the Environmental Assessment for the Construction of Sixth Line (Highway 401 to Britannia Road) be awarded to CIMA Canada Inc. in the total amount of $799,982 (exclusive of HST), as outlined in Schedule C;

    THAT the delegated authority to award the tender for Equipment and Operators for Road Snow Removal for the Town’s Winter Control Program for a five (5) year term in the estimated annual amount of $1,100,000 (exclusive of HST) be approved, as outlined in Schedule D;

    THAT the delegated authority to award the optional renewal term of five (5) years for the Winter Control Program also be approved as outlined in Schedule D;

    THAT the contract increase for Residential and Non-Residential Needs Analysis Study to Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. in the amount of $73,350 (exclusive of HST) be approved as outlined on Schedule E;

    THAT the contract increase made under delegated authority for John Tonelli Sports Centre Parking Lot Improvements to Pacific Paving Limited in the amount of $198,410 (exclusive of HST) be received, as outlined in Schedule F.

    THAT the contract renewal made under delegated authority for the Town’s insurance policy portfolio and risk management services to Marsh Canada in the total amount of $1,370,366 (exclusive of HST) be received, as outlined in Schedule G;

    THAT the contract extension for Solacom Guardian Call Handling Solution to Halton Regional Police Service, in the amount of $402,713 (exclusive of HST) be approved, as outlined on Schedule H;

    THAT the Manager, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management be authorized to execute the contract(s), as outlined by the purchasing by-law, and the Mayor and the Town Clerk be authorized to sign any required paperwork.



  • Moved byCouncillor Challinor
    Seconded byCouncillor Ali

    THAT By-law Numbers 062-2024, through to and including Bylaw 071-2024, save and except Bylaw 065-2024 be READ, PASSED AND NUMBERED;

    AND THAT the Mayor and the Town Clerk be authorized to sign the said By-laws, seal them with the seal of the Corporation and that they be engrossed in the By-law Book.

  • Moved byCouncillor Challinor
    Seconded byCouncillor Ali

    THAT By-law Number 065-2024,be READ, PASSED AND NUMBERED;

No Item Selected