THAT Council approve the budget amendments and related
funding sources, as outlined on Schedule A;
THAT Council approve the budget amendment for Capital Project C34009223 Boulevard Works, as outlined on Schedule B;
THAT the proposal award for Consulting Services for the Development of a Strategic Workforce Plan and Competency Framework be awarded to J. Macpherson and Associates in the total amount of $110,000, (exclusive of HST), as outlined in Schedule C;
THAT the proposal award for Preventative Maintenance and Demand Repair Services for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems be awarded to Moore Environmental Systems Limited for Section A in the total annual amount of $351,610, and awarded to The State Group Inc. for Section B in the total annual amount of $308,843 (exclusive of HST), as outlined in Schedule D;
THAT staff be delegated the authority to award up to three (3) one-year optional renewal terms with Moore Environmental Systems Limited and The State Group Inc. through an internal staff award report, for up to a total five-year term in the estimated total amount of $1,651,133 (exclusive of HST), as outlined in Schedule D;
THAT the proposal award for Contracted Service Provider for the Provision of Parking Enforcement Services be awarded to Commissionaires Great Lakes in the total annual amount of $138,624 (exclusive of HST), as outlined in Schedule E;
THAT staff be delegated the authority to award up to three (3) one-year optional renewal terms with Commissionaires Great Lakes through an internal staff award report, for up to a total five-year term in the estimated total amount of $346,560 (exclusive of HST), as outlined in Schedule E;
THAT the contract renewal for Snow Clearing Services for Various Town Facility Parking Lots, Driveways, and Walkways to Lakeside Contracting Company Ltd. (part B) in the amount of $189,704 (exclusive of HST), and to Pro Mow Maintenance Inc. (part C) in the amount of $19,586 (exclusive of HST), and to Marquee Landscape Ltd. (part D) in the amount of $64,075 be approved, as outlined on Schedule F;
THAT staff be delegated the authority to award up to three (3) six-month optional renewal terms with Lakeside Contracting Company Ltd. (part B), Pro Mow Maintenance Inc. (part C), and Marquee Landscape Ltd. (part D) through an internal staff award report, for up to a total five-year term in the estimated total amount of $820,098 (exclusive of HST), as outlined in Schedule F;
THAT the contract increase for Detailed Road Design of Appleby Line Phase 3 to WSP E&I Canada Limited in the amount of $5,755 (exclusive of HST) be received, as outlined in Schedule G;
THAT staff be delegated authority for up to a 10% contingency award(s) for any remaining consulting services costs associated with the Appleby Line Phase 3 works that are required to project completion;
THAT a single source award to Vector Solutions to provide a Fire Department Learning Management and Crew Shift Scheduling solution in the amount of $45,567 (exclusive of HST) be approved, as outlined in Schedule H;
THAT staff be delegated the authority to award up to four (4) annual optional renewal terms with Vector Solutions through an internal staff award report, for up to a total five-year term in the estimated total amount of $206,219 (exclusive of HST), as outlined in Schedule H;
THAT a single source award to Locution Systems Inc. for the purchase and configuration of a Fire Station Alerting System in the estimated amount of $369,084 (exclusive of HST) be approved, as outlined in Schedule I;
THAT a single source award to Locution Systems Inc. for a 5 year support and maintenance contract in the estimated amount of $160,862 (exclusive of HST) be approved, as outlined in Schedule I;
THAT a single source award to Kelcom Radio Solutions for the installation of the Locution Fire Station Alerting System in the amount of $131,383 be approved, as outlined in Schedule I;
THAT delegated authority be provided to the Town’s Fire Chief to approve change orders (if required) up to an aggregate value of 20% of the value of the award to Locution Systems Inc., as outlined in Schedule I;
THAT delegated authority be provided to the Town’s Fire Chief to approve change orders (if required) up to an aggregate value of 20% of the value of the award to Kelcom Radio Solutions, as outlined in Schedule I;
THAT a single source award to Logixx Security for replacement of the Verex Card Access software system in the amount of $95,694.44 be approved, as outlined in Schedule J;
THAT the contract award made under delegated authority for the Pavement Line Marking Program to Guild Electric Limited in the amount of $355,353 (exclusive of HST) for the first year, and $1,776,765 (exclusive of HST) for the four year renewal term, be received as outlined in Schedule K;
THAT the contract award made under delegated authority for Equipment and Operators for Road Snow Removal for the Town’s Winter Control Program to Ashland Construction Group Ltd. in the amount of $424,200, to Ashland Construction Group Ltd. in the amount of $ 363,600 (exclusive of HST), to 1950587 Ontario Ltd. in the amount of $174,600 (exclusive of HST), to Associated Paving & Materials Ltd. in the amount of $42,700 (exclusive of HST) and to Bluechip Building Restoration Ltd. in the amount of $46,700 (exclusive of HST) be received, as outlined in Schedule L;
THAT the single source award made under delegated authority for the Supply and Installation of Emergency Warning Systems on two (2) Support Utility Vehicles to Leslie Emergency Vehicles in the amount of $29,423.50 (exclusive of HST) be received, as outlined in Schedule M;
THAT the Manager, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management be authorized to execute the contract(s), as outlined by the purchasing by-law, and the Mayor and the Town Clerk be authorized to sign any required paperwork.