THAT Council approve the budget amendments and related funding sources as outlined on Schedule A;
THAT Council approve the award of Tender 22-01-00500 for the Pond 10 Rehabilitation and Sediment Removal Project to 2220742 Ontario Ltd. o/a Bronte Construction, in the amount of $1,006,586 (exclusive of taxes), as outlined in Schedule B
THAT Council approve the contract extension and contract increase for the additional underground infrastructure locating services to Peninsula Video & Sound Inc., in the total amount of $15,000 (exclusive of taxes), as outlined in Schedule C;
THAT Council approve the contract increase for consulting services for the design of Fifth Line (Hwy. 401 to Derry Road) to WSP Canada Inc., in the total amount of $326,360 (exclusive of taxes), as outlined in Schedule D;
THAT Council approve the contract increase for services for the design of Main Street East (James Snow Parkway to Fifth Line) to WSP Canada Inc., in the total amount of $37,943 (exclusive of taxes), as outlined in Schedule E;
THAT the Manager, Purchasing and Risk Management be authorized to execute the contract(s), as outlined by the purchasing by-law, and the Mayor and the Town Clerk be authorized to sign any required paperwork.